• Workshops to develop a better understanding of differences and
    similarities between peers and ourselves
  • These would be held once a month for 3 hours with speaking
    exercises and therapies

    • Feelings / experiences / supportive acknowledgement
    • Strength building exercises
    • Dance, trust exercises, breathing practices, acroyoga.
  • Learning about the benefits of veganism in practice and observation
  • How is this benefiting humanity? How does this extend to my daily life? How is this ethical?
  • Managing protein, carbs, and healthy fats for balanced nutrition
  • Creating a small book of the measurements
  • Learning new recipes and understanding the benefits of applying different foods and spices to everyday meals
  • Getting a chef or specialist to appear and teach different recipes that are fun and easy to prepare
  • How to avoid eating the same things
  • Understanding the connection between proper vegan diets and health (mental, physical, and spiritual)
  • Reading about health and teaching workshops on the connection between between micro and macro nutrients as well as pro and prebiotic gut health
  • Dangers of artificial chemicals and antibiotics
  • Explaining how certain nutrition choices help with specified needs
  • Gaining muscles
  • Losing weight
  • Maintaining healthy weight
  • Maintaining proper chemical balance
  • Cutting down or eliminating alcohol use and other influences that are natural depressants
  • Woodwork and tool crafting to teach shelter and utensil crafting
  • Forks, knives, spoons out of wood or shells
  • How to build a small shelter
  • Possible organic essential oil workshops
  • Why and how lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, and essential oils can replace harmful chemical alternatives (such as bug spray and inflammation reduction medicines)
  • Compost importance and crop symbiosis
  • How do these crops complement one another
  • Why compost is better fertilizer
  • How we can reuse organic waste to help other plants in our environment
  • Yoga, plant medicine, and textual appreciation of nature
  • To connect with ourselves and those around us
  • Understanding of medicinal practices surrounding holistic use of plants
  • Gathering and understanding the importance of natural product